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  1. Muhammad Ali Khan

    1999 corolla problems please help

    Change the relays of your head lights. Old engines are not as much efficient as they were when they are new. Check your plugs/coils/injectors and check for any code for any sensor.
  2. Muhammad Ali Khan

    2000 Corolla

    have you checked your coil?
  3. Muhammad Ali Khan


    Check your muffler for leaks
  4. Muhammad Ali Khan

    NEED HELP!! Looking for a programmer!!!

    What mod you want to implement ?
  5. Muhammad Ali Khan

    2009 Corolla transmission fluid drain and fill

    Well then Toyota is to check while engine running. Let me add some fluid on my car which I just removed last week :P
  6. Muhammad Ali Khan

    2009 Corolla transmission fluid drain and fill

    Just confirm that it should be checked while engine running or stopped. As I check when engine stopped. May be I under filled my transmission.
  7. Muhammad Ali Khan

    2009 Corolla transmission fluid drain and fill

    If we dont trust the the dipstick then no need for a dipstick.
  8. Muhammad Ali Khan

    2009 Corolla transmission fluid drain and fill

    Well they are right upto some extent that you have a risk of under filling. But you need to check the fill Quantity after the flush. There is no rocket science in it. As I told you, how much you remove you quantify it and you need to add the same amount as you removed.
  9. Muhammad Ali Khan

    2009 Corolla transmission fluid drain and fill

    no risk of under filling. How much you are removing thats what you are adding and if it overfill or underfill then check it while hot. If it is more then remove a bit and if less then add.
  10. Muhammad Ali Khan

    No Start!!! Need Help!

    Start by Checking the current. or I think check if your immobilizer activated. Call Toyota dealer and ask about the immobilizer.
  11. Muhammad Ali Khan

    2009 Corolla transmission fluid drain and fill

    Better if you do flushing. It is pretty simple. First just drain and fill and do not start the car. Remove the return line from oil cooler. you can see which line connected to the cooler on the down size. Then take container with marks of liters. remove 1 liter by starting the car and turn it...
  12. Muhammad Ali Khan

    Grinding noise on startup

    When you changed the oil last time? may be you need to change the oil. Let the car heat up for 1 min and then drive.
  13. Muhammad Ali Khan

    2003 corolla engine dies at highway speed

    Well this is possibly the best solution
  14. Muhammad Ali Khan

    Electric Cable: Thin Wall Cable

    Well this make sense if you do accelerate and decelerate very often. otherwise if you are going at a steady speed then only the friction and drag is playing the important role.
  15. Muhammad Ali Khan

    Grinding noise on startup

    are you using the proper Engine oil for your region as per the owner's manual. When you say cold. How cold is it?
  16. Muhammad Ali Khan

    Won't start.

    have you cleaned your MAF sensor ?
  17. Muhammad Ali Khan

    2000 p0171

    if you have a exhaust leak then your O2 sensor is not giving you correct information if the leak is before the sensor. fix the leak I guess.
  18. Muhammad Ali Khan

    2003 corolla engine dies at highway speed

    its most probably Current problem. Either by the coil or may be ECU is not giving proper signal to work.
  19. Muhammad Ali Khan

    Tire recommendations?

    Well not sure about the snow, but I had a very good experience with Yokohama C-drive. They are quite and very little wear over 50k kms. after that I sold the car so dont know what happened. Now I went with Toyo for my car and after 30k kms they are like wearing out may be 20k I can get more from...