Totally Dumbfounded

yesterday my car started making a "rubbing sandpaper" noise when it got up to 65-70 MPH and hit a bump. Only a second or 2 each time. Sounds like something is scraping against something else but there doesn't seem to be any foreign object under the car and it only happens at 65 MPH. Anybody experienced this?
Welcome to the forum. get underneath and look for a loose splash guard - a thin plastic shield held in place by screws that prevents dirt and water from splashing up into the engine compartment. If enough adjacent screws fall out, the part will sag but the stiffness of the plastic will still hold it in place at low speeds. At higher speeds the airflow underneath will bend the part enough that a bump may get it to rub against something else maybe even the road.
This happened to me with a different model car. Easy to fix, replace the missing screws.
Let us all know what you find out.
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