Running wires from Entune Premium to USB/AUX

This is related to my last post but since I have figured out why my USB/aux were not receiving power I figured I'd start over.

Has anyone wired up the factory USB/aux to the factory head unit or does anyone have information that could help guide me in this? The wires that are SUPPOSED to be there just flat are not.
It's a wiring harness like anything else. If you do a little research on google, I'm sure you can find it.
If I get time today I'll see what I can dig up.
The wires from the plug that goes into the aux/usb join a large bundle of wires (as they travel to the back of the head unit) and disappear above the glove box only to appear again in a cluster of wires. I went to the salvage yard and looked at all the newer wrecked toyotas I could to get an idea of what's going on in a Corolla as well.