Running lights staying on, always...

Hello all. New to the forum.

I have this problem with this really clean 2005 LE corolla that I got about a year ago. 73k miles, one previous owner. Just recently, as in a day or so ago, the running lights have stopped turning off when the vehicle is turned off and are on at all times. At first I thought nothing of it, as it's common in cars for lights to stay on a lil bit after shutdown, but when I came out to drive it after having the car parked for a whole evening the lights were still on and the battery was dead. Tried to play with the ignition, make sure it wasn't loose or something, but nope, lights still on. had to disconnect the battery to shut the things off! I was hoping that someone here would know what to do. I've inspected fuses and they're all fine but I don't think they would be a problem in the first place, because the current has to go through them for the lights to stay on.

If anybody has any help or previous experience, I would be very appreciative.
Have you checked the DRL box that controls the running headlights ? It's by the steering column . Don't worry about the arrow pointing yellow wire it is a DIY I was doing to disable the headlights while having HID's
