Recently changed the timing chain on 03 Matrix with 1zzfe engine as the plastic guide rails broke and were in pieces. Ran fine for 2 days and a fuel injector seal failed and started spraying fuel all over the engine. Replaced all the fuel injector seals and it ran fine for 2 more days when out of nowhere with the cruise set at 75 the engine hesitated, then jumped a little, then completely lost power. Ran the codes while waiting for a tow and p1349 popped up so I assumed it was something I did wrong during the timing job. Got it home pulled the valve cover and confirmed all the timing marks lined up still however when I put a long screwdriver in cylinder one to find tdc it wouldn’t move up and down. So I grabbed a long wooden dowel and stuck it in there and it went 22” from the top of the engine into a pool of oil. I assume is dropping all the way into the oil pan. The other 3 cylinder max at 8” Dow with pistons in the lowest position. Does this mean the piston has a hole in the top of it maybe from running lean due to the fuel leak in that cylinder?