My corolla 2003 won't start

I was driving and the car suddenly stopped.
I checked and discovered that the battery head was loose. I fixed it and the car won't start again. Every attempt made could not fix it. Pls any suggestion on how to fix this. I have checked battery, fuses, engine sensor but no solution
Hi Ben, is there any corrosion (white or blue powder) on the terminals or the battery cables?

I had the same problem with our 2005 Corolla. It ended up being a corroded battery cable and terminal.

I had to disconnect the battery (negative first, then positive), cut off the corroded part of the cable near the terminal and install a new cable and terminal.

Be very careful when working with the battery. If you aren't sure about anything, just take it to a shop.

Now I make sure to clean the terminals and cables at least once a year and I use those felt anti-corrosion washers on the battery posts.