Here is what I would do and this is a trick that dealers use to prevent their slow moving showroom cars from developing flat spots on the tyres. Get some carpet segments and then park your car on the segments. After that, overinflate the tyres to 40 or so psi. So long as your battery is in good shape and you do not have any electrical issues, 1 month should not be a problem for lead acid batteries. I would also fill up the fuel tank with a high quality regular grade fuel. If you are parking your car indoors and you do not have any pets that could be poisoned, you can also lay down various rodent and insect traps and poisons to prevent infestation while gone. Mice can especially wreak havoc on wiring because they love chewing stuff that tastes good. They taste good because of the eco-friendly wiring that is used these days which are often made from soy. I do not know about Toyota, but Honda and Fords are especially notorious for having wiring insulation that is tasty to rodents. If your car is parked outside or you have pets to worry about, I would not do this because of the dangers to your pets.