Help! fans wont turn on...

This is on a 98 Corolla...
Both fans work when connected directly to the battery.
Fans immediately come on when fan switch (under alternator) is disconnected.
Fans also come on when AC is turned on.
I connected a test light on ac fan connector and I get power (light) bu when I connect to radiator fan I get no light. All relays and fuses are in good working order Fan relay number one recently replaced with new one as well as the entire fuse box.
Installed a new oem 170* thermostat, new ect sensor, and new fan switch sensor.
I then started the car with a scanner to read live temp data. What happens is that the temp gauge reaches the redline but the scanner is only showing around 180-185 and climbing. Im hesitant to let the car keep running with the temp gauge at the red zone. Any ideas?