Headlight Lens Question

if u have 1500 grit wet sand papper wet sand your lens. after that buff the lens with a good cutting compound throw some wax on after and boom. this works better than them kits u can buy. im a auto detailer and people pay 100 to have this done.. good luck.
I've had excellent results with the Mother's Plastic Polish. I apply it to the headlight lens with a cloth, let it sit for about 10-15 minutes until it has dried and has a hazy appearance to it, then I buff it out with a polishing cloth. For headlight lenses that aren't very scratched up, the results are superb and it's the best plastic polish I've ever seen on the market -


For headlights that are very scratched up, then the Mother's Powerball Headlight Restoration Kit does a great job -

Opening an old thread

Is there a prefab plastic lens cover?
Either transparent or matching the color of the car, that can be installed while the car is parked, then removed when you are ready to drive?

If there is a clear lens cover that is UV protected, or perhaps a plastic sheet that can act as a lens protector, where can one be ordered?

The factory clear lenses really do not last very long down here in Florida, so perhaps a really good car cover is the best protection.

What are others doing to protect their lenses?
Really, I do not want to sand and seal a brand new lens.

My car will sit in the sun all day long unprotected while I work.

Where can I find a really durable car cover? Something that will not hurt the finish (Flapping against the paint every time the wind blows)?

Even Mercedes Benz and BMW have a problem with the lenses. (None of them are cheap).

Seems everyone parks in the Sun and hopes that their wax job takes the heat.
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