Driving with parking brake :(


New Member
So I just got a 2015 Toyota Corolla 2 days ago, and on the first day I drove like 5 feet with the parking brake on, and then a second time I drove just down my driveway with the parking brake left on. I've also noticed this burning rubber(?) type of smell and I feel like it had to do with driving with parking brake on. I BARELY drove with it on though. Should I be worried?


New Member
I'm not a mechanic or anything, but it sounds like you might be okay and the smell was probably coming from somewhere else.

Do you still smell the burning rubber when you operate you car or use the brakes?


Also, read up on your car manual and make sure you become familiar with your car. You will probably learn somethings and be less likely to make mistakes like that in the future.


New Member
I doubt that such a short distance has done any damage. I accidently drove another of my cars about 5 miles with the emergency brake on and was stupidly wondering what all the shaking was about...but after that the brakes were fine for another 30,000 miles.


New Member
The burning smell is almost universal to all new cars. It is just the anti corrosion stuff burning off from the exhaust parts as well as from the engine and anywhere else that was coated. It takes a lot more than a few feet with the emergency brakes to damage them, and even then the smell is more like a burning clutch smell.