2015 L—Tranny Fluid

Good morning,

So I have a 2015 L model, 175,000 miles, never had the tranny fluid changed. Stupid I know. But my question is, I had one mechanic who told me that with that many miles and the fluid never having been changed, that putting all brand new fluid in at this point will cause further problems, due to the other components not adapting well to the brand new fluid. Is there any truth to this? To me it seems logical just to get it changed as quickly as possible, but this is giving me pause.
Changing it now could cause issues as you are replacing now thicker fluid with new thinner fluid. If you are not having any issues I'd leave it alone.

Is there any truth to this?
Absolutely. Over time, mechanical parts have "adapted" (so to speak) to thicker fluid, gunk somewhat compensating their wear and tear. Get rid of the gunk and this masked wear and tear will soon reveal. Plus even a flush (not recommended) would still leave some loose gunk particles which would somewhat act for the transmission like blood clog in the body. Considering all this, you'll probably get more longevity by leaving it alone than replacing fluid.