2015 corolla with low idle issues

I have a 2015 corolla s with 35,000 miles, yes I drive alot. I am now having the same issue when stopped at red light without AC on my rps drop to 500 and fluctuate to 800.

With AC on little better but still drop to about 600 rpm and the shoots to 800-900 rpm in bout 5 sec cycles.

PLEASE anyone help with answer? It's been to dealership 2times already stating it's fixed and it's not!!
I have had that happen a little bit too with mine. 2015 with 18k miles on it.

I think it may just be the gasoline. Who knows though. Mine sounds more infrequent than yours.
It's more so the A/C Compressor kicking on and off with the 5 second interval cycles. It does the same thing when you have the heat and defrost on in the winter time. It all has to do with the compressor. It's normal operation. Mine idles around 1,000 RPM and then drops to about 600-700 and then back up when the A/C compressor kicks back on. You don't have anything to worry about.
It's more so the A/C Compressor kicking on and off with the 5 second interval cycles. It does the same thing when you have the heat and defrost on in the winter time. It all has to do with the compressor. It's normal operation. Mine idles around 1,000 RPM and then drops to about 600-700 and then back up when the A/C compressor kicks back on. You don't have anything to worry about.
His initial question was low idle without running AC. That was my response to his first post. I'm not sure which way he is asking now.

I do know that my 6 speed 2015 Corolla S Plus does drop RPMs with the HVAC system off completely.


New Member
Easy the answer is change the sparks plug! I was the same problem and when I change it my rpm change and the vibration stop now I have this rpm whit the ac on.
Well according to dealership and tech this is normal operation for this vehicle. I don't agree with it. The dealership gave me 2016 Camry to drive as loaner car and it ran smooth and no drop in rpms. I think this is issue Toyota has yet to resolve. No new car should loose rpms at idle.
Anyone with concerns or problem fix please let me know.
[QUOTE = "Rock'n Roller, post: 47283, miembro: 12289"] La limpieza del cuerpo del acelerador funcionó para mí. Ha pasado más de un año y no ha vuelto a ocurrir con el AC encendido o apagado. [/ QUOTE]

Gracias por tu respuesta. A mí me pasó eso un día después de limpiar el cuerpo de aceleración e inyectores. Ahora iré a otro taller esperando me solucionen.
Well, 2 years ago I was in the same situation like you and all I can say - it's better to show it to the repairer. I got into an accident just because I was waiting and didn't love all these maintenance shops. After that I insured my car so now I don't have to pay a lot. www.general.com Good luck with that.
I have change these things
1. compressor
2. condenser
3. ac pressure switch sensor
4. evaporator valve

still the compressor will work for a while and fail again, until I turn it off a bit and turn on again then it work for a while again
I have change these things
1. compressor
2. condenser
3. ac pressure switch sensor
4. evaporator valve

still the compressor will work for a while and fail again, until I turn it off a bit and turn on again then it work for a while again
Seems like a compressor issue is yur compressor the one with a solenoid in it or is it a clutch ? Chances are it's one with the solenoid in it if so look for one with clutch and same bolt up on the engine and try that.