To keep the audio system from sorting automatically i got rid of the info inside each song by clicking on each song in a folder go to Properties --> Details tab--> at the bottom of the window click on the Remove Properties
the system is hung up on artist not necessarily reading the name of the folder as the folders with artists names on it shows up on the listings where as a folder named assorted music does not though the songs do appear the folder is named unknown so not sure how to change it so the system reads the exact name of the folder and not associate it with an artist
does the corolla audio system play what was playing before i formated the flash drive wondering if i should get it into the shop to get it replace while the warranty is still good.
Basic :
-The system can work with a max of
3,000 folders and no more than
255 files per folder (with a max total of 9,999) in MP3-WMA-AAC format.
-The size of the flash drive doesn't matter but avoiding other types of files than songs (and art album) is recommended.
-It always make a new inventory of the flash drive upon starting. Depending on the length of current song playing, the system will or will not have time to catch up.
How the system sort files
The system can't guess what's in a file nor does it rely on file name to sort it . It relies on the tag embedded into each file to find info : Album title - Artist name - Song title (and a few others not so useful).
When you buy music, the tag may or may not be correct. For instance, "SingerA" is not the same for the system as "Signer A" or "Singer_A" or "_Singer A".
What you did was manually modify the tag but there are many free programs that allow to by lots. Like select all the files from an album, give a name to the album, and all those files will now have this tag for the system to work with it.
Personally, I have 1 folder per artist, then 1 folder per album within it.