2013 Type S Color

Hello everyone! New to your world. Buying my first Corolla Type S with Premium package (17in wheels). I am caught trying to pick a color. I am looking at Metallic Grey (Gun metal gray), White or traditional Silver. I cannot make my mind up. Which color looks the best on this type S with Premium wheels? Thanks for the help in helping me choose a color!!! :)
Go with the white. Corollas really look good in white. I have an '09 S in Barcelona Red, and the color is my favorite. But, I've seen one in both black and white, and I gotta tell ya, white ROCKS!
hello, I purchased mine 2month ago and wanted pearl white but out of stock so i got traditional silver. I had few silver cars and very easy to take care and always looking clean.
Love to hear your choice!

Thanks all for your input. Yes, I love the look of white especially with the S package. My wife is leaning towards the Metallic gray. I put pictures in here of both. Would love to hear which one you all looks better. I know color is MY preference and choice but would love to hear your thoughts after you see the pictures. I am looking at the S with Premium package.


go with the easier one to clean I got a tidal blue on hard to keep clean cars look better if u can not see the dirt previous cars have been grey and brown hide the dirt well my thoughts any way :) gl with choice