2013 Corolla - Poor Gas Mileage

Well, the 23rd of June will make 1 year since I rolled off the lot with my, then new, Corolla. And as I've posted b4, right from the git go my Corolla has NEVER gotten anywhere near the mileage claims Toyota makes. I've NEVER EVER, gotten even 300 miles to a tank!!! The absolute best I've been able to achieve has been about 26-27mpg!! And it has dramatically decreased. It's now around 21-23mpg. And yes, I've had it to the dealer and all they do is give you "lip service", saying, when they check everything on the diagnostic machine, everything shows to be within operating parameters!! I guarantee the 1st time I take it in for service, when it's out of warranty, they'll say they found all kinds of s**t wrong with it!!! And yes again, I do drive fast to and from work on I-95 everyday. But that's a total of 34 miles round trip. But I don't care what anyone says, it should not reduce my mileage that drastically. There's no one out there that can convince me, if you live near and use, an Interstate Highway, that you EVER do 60 or 65!! At least here in So. Fla., if you do those speeds, you'll get blown off the road, even in the far right, slow or "retarded" lane!!! Even 75-80 is barely acceptable, which is where I set my cruise. Again, thanks for listening. Gotta head out to work and do my 75-80 mph drive, and suck up that $3.65 per gallon of gas!!!!!
How many miles are on it now?

Aso, 75-80 uses a lot more fuel than at 65-70, you'd be surprised.

I'm also guessing you have the 4-speed automatic and not the manual.

It is still insane to get less than 25. I've punched it around town and did about that. Are you constantly flooring it? Maybe a lot of weight in the car? Something definitely is happening.
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Super Moderator
2013 Toyota corolla S Auto. estimated mileage 26 city 34, hwy 29 avr based on 3.4 gal PER 100 miles. You save 2,350 in fuel over the 5 years, Annual COST 1,850.

15,000 mile. All this was Estimated on a 100 mile test.

If I have to do the math, $80.00 average a week 600 a week X 52 weeks $4160 10400 miles

My mileage would be around estimated 25-30.
Driving so far over the posted speed limit, that fuel economy sounds about right.

I drive the 55 mph speed limit every time and get phenomenal fuel economy, saving me hundreds of dollars in fuel costs. No one runs over me either.

Slow down to the posted speed limit, watch the fuel economy skyrocket and your wallet grow fatter with money.:thumbup1:
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Haha I forgot what it was like to have gas that cheap out here in Hawai'i. Out here it's about $4.36/gal (Chevron because that's all I use for my Corolla). I have the 2013 Corolla LE Special Edition and installed the stock spoiler, so that's around another 6 pounds added to the trunk. At times I too have found myself struggling to match what Toyota says the mileage is. On a full tank, I get anywhere between 24.5 - 26.5 miles/gal. And the highest speed limit here is 60 MPH..


Super Moderator
State of Florida all varies I95 can go as high as 70mph. Wanting to raise it in in the near future.

Lets keep to a safe speed we are not bumper cars where you press the pedal and ther eis one speed.

Scott you Coast to a Red light right, even when the Light changes you let go and just watch all the people around you race to a red light.

Sad to say the 2013 will not get its mileage and doing 50mph, no where near the older one we have Sad and true.

But totally agree faster you go less mileage you'll get while the car will do fine within a limit and that limit is not 80mpg
gas mileage the manufacturers post are done in a controlled test that does NOT match real world habits. Temp, humidity, altitude, dry road, wet road, everything and anything has an effect both positive and negative. Driving habits are what can be controlled. It is a fact that driving slower, accelerating gradually, gradually slowing down, all have a positive effect and increase economy. Sorry to say but If you insist on speading because you don't want to be "run" off the road and keep up with traffic then you will worsen your economy and rest assured so are all the others on the road doing 70-80.