So my mom has a 06 Corolla that has a good amount of miles on it and her a.c. has been out for some time, but since I've had time I've decided to look at it save her the cost of the hot summer heat or the repair cost that is worth more than the car is... she says that the refrigerant is full as it should be but I have not tested this yet. I've been reading and doing research and I discovered that her a.c. clutch does not engage, her heat works and the air blows but is never cold. From what I know that couch should spin with intermittently with the belt but does not. I went and checked the fuse and the relay, switching the relay with the horn relay and nothing, both relays seem to work while the clutch does not engage. I'm going to test the power to the connecting on the compressor but I'm thinking of wiring the relay with a paper clip to see if the compressor functions at all but I'm worried that it's possible that this could cause damage if there is actually low refrigerant in the system. Due to my current lack to tools to test the fluid levels I think testing to see if the clutch works or not would lead me to look for other problems or if the clutch is the issue.
Sorry if this does not make much sense it was kind of a brain dump as I'm out of ideas looking for other ideas or help from anyone that may have more knowledge
Sorry if this does not make much sense it was kind of a brain dump as I'm out of ideas looking for other ideas or help from anyone that may have more knowledge