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  1. fishycomics

    2020 toyota corollaSE knock in steering

    I demonstrate the actual sound and steering knock on a 2020 toyota corolla this site has very minimal activity here so enjoy the clip a excellent discussion and vid.
  2. fishycomics

    Battery replacement 2020 toyota corolla se how to

    Never know what to expect on newer cars, simply showing how we can replace in talk tools drops into engine bay blooper
  3. fishycomics

    seatbelt quick fix II

  4. fishycomics

    change is good

  5. fishycomics

    2020 toyota corolla se key fob 2032 bat

    yes its a replacement video of a fob all the same type bats
  6. fishycomics

    seat belt time how do we clean

    Well sure the belt got dirty and time to get it clean this was how i did it enjoy.
  7. fishycomics

    maintain a bat simple and easy. 2020 toyota corola

    so happy its not a covered sticker over the maint free battery
  8. fishycomics

    Alligator how close is to close

  9. fishycomics

    Ducklings checkem out

  10. fishycomics

    grow and learn update check it out

  11. fishycomics

    arm and hammer wildflower check it out

  12. fishycomics

    grow and learn check it out

  13. fishycomics

    walk away leave ac on how to

  14. fishycomics

    2020 toyota Corolla wiper speeds discussion

    I was going to follow up with a video. Rained, wipers on 1st spot, set to say in the middle. so it wipes like every 10 seconds. I switched on to the 2nd position wich is a normal speed wipe, every second +. withing say 3-5 wipes I noticed it went to every other wipe. So this caught my...
  15. fishycomics

    Lemon in depth

  16. fishycomics

    2020 toyota corolla SE Maintanance Required Video

    As 5K approaching we'll see how this plays out. after the 5K will it be every 5K or 10K or 7,5K I will see.
  17. fishycomics

    chrome again locks screen

    again with blocked screen
  18. fishycomics

    Anyone getting this 50 screen of BLUE with chrome here

    half of hte site is MASKED in blue covers the forum anyone getting that issue with chrome?
  19. fishycomics

    super bowl liv
