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  1. B

    1995 Corolla - Don't Think My CV Shaft is Seated All The Way - Tricks?

    Had to replace the CV seal on the trans as it started leaking. The PO put in a new CV shaft (5speed/Passenger side) and it leaked When I got the car it had a pronounced clunking on the pass side. I assumed loose caliper or something. Now I suspect the CV shaft. It is worse since I did my...
  2. B

    '97 Corolla - Help Winter is Coming.

    Pull the sill plates and see if there are access holes to the insides of the rockers. If there are hose down the inside with oil. Either go buy some gun lube or just thin old 30wt with some kerosene and get a bunch in there. In the trunk pull the carpet and hose inside the wheel lips where you...
  3. B

    1995 Corolla 5-Speed - Can I Refill Through The Temp. Sensor Hole?

    The PO tightened the fill plug so tight I cannot get it out. With a cheater-bar I can feel the hex bolt start to round off. I have not tried heat yet because it's hard to get a torch on it. That, and the whole engine is full of gear oil from the CV seal leak. I did take out the drain plug...
  4. B

    1995 Corolla 5-Speed - Can I Refill Through The Temp. Sensor Hole?

    1995 Corolla 5-Speed - Can I Refill Through The reverse switch Hole? I cannot get the fill plug out of the trans case. I read the capacity is 2 qts. I did drain the trans (that plug came out easily) so I can fill to spec. capacity. Any reason I cannot pull the temp sensor on top of the...