I'm thinking about changing the rear bumper of my 09 corolla S to a 2011 model rear bumper. Does anyone know of any differences that will make imcomaptible?
Or are they similar enough for me to do it. I'm also curious to know if anyone has made this modification.
Should be an easy thing to do. However, you will need the 2011 lights as they are different. You might have to check the mounting points just under the lights as they may need to be changed, if they can. That being said the lights on the trunk lid will be miss-matched and if you are in North America you will need the trunk lid from 2011-2013 to be able to use the matching trunk lid lights. They rest of the world that has the Corolla wide platform can just use the matching trunk lid lights as the trunk lid was not re-designed like the North American versions were.
Should be an easy thing to do. However, you will need the 2011 lights as they are different. You might have to check the mounting points just under the lights as they may need to be changed, if they can. That being said the lights on the trunk lid will be miss-matched and if you are in North America you will need the trunk lid from 2011-2013 to be able to use the matching trunk lid lights. They rest of the world that has the Corolla wide platform can just use the matching trunk lid lights as the trunk lid was not re-designed like the North American versions were.
Thanks for the help, I didn't take the rear lights into consideration. I'm better off just fixing the scratches or buying a new rear bumper for the year haha. I just like the look of the 2011-2013 bumpers.
Is this the Rolla Forun ?!
sharing my Pain, say NO aluminum Lugs, just dont wamt anyone out there to get stock
with 1 of this headache , thats why I posted this !
Thanks for the warning. However the lugs are hollow as compared to the original steel ones. I have a feeling if they were made the same way as the steel ones, that is with a head that you can use a socket on instead of using an allen wrench inside, the aluminum might likely hold up. Just putting that out there.