TPMS sensors
* it is not a glitch, or nitrogen doesnt fluctuate
ON our Corollas, same as other Toyota models are using same technology and sensors on TPMS.
When you have Nitrogen in you tires, the only difference b/w regular compressed air, it has smaller particles or whatever they are, so Nitrogen does leak still and will experience lower air pressure overtime. Very expansive to fill the tires w/ nitrogen. I never bothered having it in my tires. As long as you dont have air leak, regular compressed air is good still.
TPMS sensors, one Technician from Toyota once told me that:
* if our Toyota vehicle tire pressure specs at 32psi, thats the base value of the ECU starts the computation
* since TPMS sensors are transmitters, they send signals ONE-Way to the antenna & receiver to the TPMS ECU
* TPMS could be reset by pressing a reset button (press and hold until we see 3 blinks and it stops whilst key is ON)
or going +6psi & -6psi of the tire pressure for japan-built vehicles with TPMS sensors in
"sleep mode", so you need to wake them up by reducing the tire pressure w/in about 30secs to send signals to theTPMS ECU
- he said, if the ECU receives low tire pressure, the light doesnt illuminate until the vehicle has been drive above 8km/hr or 5m/hr for at least 20mins, some are
like within 5-10mins.
* now, if youre in a place with long cold weather, he said, theres a specific procedure to adjust tire pressures
* our corollas mostly came out with 4 TPMS sensors, until the owner wants additional sensor (needs to bring it back to the dealer to add/reprogramme it, some folks
want a full-size spare tire with TPMS sensor in it.
* TPW Light (Tire Pressure Warning light) is SOLID, low tire pressure , when blinking (either 1 or more sensors are damaged/missing or all is missing)
- if we dont have sensors in our tires, we can go to the dealer and erase the data in the programming so ECU will not lit this TPW light OR leave it alone
* Setting tire pressure on cold weather, corolla specs is at 32psi, heres an example, at 0 degrees celsius plus 3.5psi, -5C add 4.5psi, -10C add 5psi, -15C add 6psi
-20C add 6.5psi, -28C add 8psi

thats all I can remember for now