Hey good morning. Apparently everyone seems happy with their Corolla, whether it's new or a recently purchased used one. I just got my 2013 about 3 weeks ago. The different mileages that have been posted are very impressive. However, the car I sold to Carmax to come up with some of the down payment for the Corolla, was my 1990 S-10 Blazer. I purchased it new on my birthday in May of '90. Paid cash. The car gave me 23 years of loyal service. I should say, the engine gave me 23 years of loyal service, 'cause over the years I virtually replace the entire car. And the last 4 summers had no ac! And here in So. Fla., that's unbearable! The point I'm getting at is, the car had just a little over 437,000 miles and the engine had never been opened up, or had any work done on it, and even the valve covers had never been off. And that was w/o using this "pseudo" synthetic fake oil! I always used Valoline 20w50, and when all the oil companies came out with their own version of "high mileage" oils, I started using the one that Valoline had. The car never leaked or "smoked" at start up. GM has always made great engines, but the rest of their product is S**t!! My only hope with this Corolla is that it even lasts the 5 years of payments, the 1st of which isn't until Aug! The reason I say this is, that these cars and others made like it, from other companies are what I call "rental cars, cookie cutter, throw away or disposable cars, generic etc." The car reminds me of a vacuum formed plastic model. The only reason I chose it, was I was able to get a great deal and 0% financing, even with my crap credit. No other car company on the planet would've done that for me. So I'm gonna give it at least a year to clear up my credit, and then dump the Corolla and get a "REAL CAR". Good luck to all of you with yours.