My 1997 manual 1500 Corolla is driving me nuts. Using a GPS sitting on 120km, the speed on the dial in the car is 180km. We have changed the gearbox speedo gear twice, the cables twice and still no change. I have hunted for a good second hand dashboard unit but there is nothing to be found old or new. Even from Toyota. The tyres have even been change to the specs for the car and NOTHINGGGGGGGGG is working. I am going to loose it with the car shortly!
I would tend to agree with CarInOrder to look at the sensor. The only other thing I could think of is the speedometer drive gear. The sensor is cheap, the drive gear would be expensive, at least in the 9th gen since it resides inside the transmission.
Have you checked the wheels and tires? running the wrong size wheel/tire (either larger or smaller) can either cause your speed to be slower that your speedo or higher.