Got In Accident


Corolla Rookie
So my friend is driving my car on Friday and I get a call saying he was in an accident my heart dropped then he says he was rear ended *sigh of relief I'm not At fault...t he damage was to bumper bent the trunk in and cracked the middle Light bar but did not crack them justpushed tthem out of place. So its pretty much totaled but runs great and I will be getting a nice large check and spend less than 500 on the car and use some to do some maintaince and pocket about 2600


Corolla Rookie
The accident was pretty much a roll I was rear ended and none was hurt and the accident was not bad at all but insurance gave 2000 appraisal and the supplement is 1700 so I made out like a bandit and I will try to post pics the damage was minimal I will fix all myself for under 400