VCM 2 VCM II is the well-known OBDII Diagnostic Scanner for ford and mazda cars.vcm ii has a good reputation for IDS software used to provide full dealer diagnostic capabilities for most 16 pin cars 1996-2015, including for all new 2013 vehicles. And ford vcm ii has been confirmed is one of the best costive but stable diagnostic tool for ford mazda cars.
And following are two updated news about VCM 2 Diagnostic
1.Ford IDS has been updated to V107.01 Now and this software has been tested by users,100% workable without any problems,more details below
Ford IDS 107.01 full installer and unlimited usage time
Working 100% on windows XP / 7 32 64 bits with VCMII clone or original
Includes instructions for installing
– O.S.: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 ( does not run Windows 8, 8.1 , 10 )
– CPU: Pentium/Athlon 2 GHz or higher
– RAM: 1 GB of system memory
– Hard Drive: 10 GB of available space
– Optical Drive: DVD-ROM
2. 5% OFF Promation for Ford VCM 2 VCM II is available at with discount coupon "autodiag" and the coupon will be activated till 25th,Dec,2017.
And following are two updated news about VCM 2 Diagnostic
1.Ford IDS has been updated to V107.01 Now and this software has been tested by users,100% workable without any problems,more details below
Ford IDS 107.01 full installer and unlimited usage time
Working 100% on windows XP / 7 32 64 bits with VCMII clone or original
Includes instructions for installing
– O.S.: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 ( does not run Windows 8, 8.1 , 10 )
– CPU: Pentium/Athlon 2 GHz or higher
– RAM: 1 GB of system memory
– Hard Drive: 10 GB of available space
– Optical Drive: DVD-ROM
2. 5% OFF Promation for Ford VCM 2 VCM II is available at with discount coupon "autodiag" and the coupon will be activated till 25th,Dec,2017.