1995 Corolla - Temp Gauge

I just picked up a 1995 CorollaDX 145,000 very good shape
runs smooth starts like a dream but the only problem the
Temp gauge sits a little below the C rises just a little never
going past a 1/4 more less it sits on the C but the car runs
perfect....heat works great any feed back would be great

I am not sure how long its been like this..Should i
change or just leave it, the car runs great. only
problem is every time i drive it my eyes watch
the gauge.
i became the owner of a 93 about a month ago and the first thing i noticed was exactly what you are describing. it would take a long time to warm up and the needle would stay slighty above the C or lower. i simply replaced the thermostat and gasket and now my corolla warms up and stays slighty below the temperature halfway mark. i would suggest changing the thermostat and gasket first. it only cost me about 6 bucks. hope that helps.
Change it out. Reason is, pistons are elliptical when cold, and become round when fully warmed up. Running a cooling system configuration that keep the engine too cold won't let the pistons become fully round, increasing engine blow-by.