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  • Jimmy... Hey how are you, did you post that question to hondasuv.com, as well their newer site?

    Thank you, understood your question.

    How to get to the oil filter on a des.. crv?

    the air filter, top has five screw/bolts. the bottom has about two bolts, and on the front to the car, has a hose, "hold the hose in hand, squeeze it in, and try to peal it like a banana (not being funny) it may be possible it is sticky, the heat holding it on. As you pull the box to the rear, and the hose to the front, it will slide away. after it is done, use some lube around the rim for a easier slide on.

    I am unsure of the oil filters on that des....

    thank you for the question and KIND words

    oriviore (SP) later bud

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